今日は朝から学校は休校、スーパーなど商業施設、公共交通施設 は11時でストップです 通常「暴風域」に入るとスーパー・学校休みになるんですけど、今回 の台風が「猛烈な勢力」とのこ
とで早めの休校の判断になったと思います かくいう俺もこの暴風の中、バイクで帰路についたわけですが 途中、強風に煽られてフラフラしながら帰ってきました 皆様も台風対策を万全にてください
Schools are closed from this morning, and commercial facilities and public transportation stop at 11 o’clock. Usually, when it enters the “storm zone”, supermarkets and schools are closed, but this time the typhoon is said to have “furious power” and I think it was decided to close the school early. I also went home by bike in this storm, but on the way, I was swayed by the strong wind and came back. Please be prepared for the typhoon.